Fluvial Research Group

News and Ongoing


1 Jan 2025
New publication
He, Q. Shi, K., Ma, Y., Liu, B., Han, J., Li, J., Bai, X., Wu, C., McArthur, A.D. and Mountney, N.P., 2025. Evolution of rimmed carbonate platform architecture controlled by sea-level change: insights from the Lower-Middle Cambrian of the Northern Tarim

He, Q. Shi, K., Ma, Y., Liu, B., Han, J., Li, J., Bai, X., Wu, C., McArthur, A.D. and Mountney, N.P., 2025. Evolution of rimmed carbonate platform architecture controlled by sea-level change: insights from the Lower-Middle Cambrian of the Northern Tarim Basin, China. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 107215. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2024.107215 (Doc ID: 1868)