
Welcome to the Fluvial, Eolian & Shallow-Marine Research Group
The FRG-ERG-SMRG brings together a broad range of expertise for the study of fluvial, eolian & shallow-marine systems with the aim of developing a better understanding of both the behaviour and evolution of modern environments and the applied significance of ancient fluvial, eolian & shallow-marine sedimentary successions.
Based in the School of Earth and Environment at the University of Leeds, this applied-facing research group seeks to devise new methodologies in subsurface geological characterization. The group operates as a single Joint Industry Project (JIP).
PHASE 6 (2024-2026) Find out more about the latest phase of FRG-ERG-SMRG in this summary PDF file.
Current and past phases of the FRG-ERG-SMRG research programme have been supported by the following sponsor companies: Aker BP, Anadarko (now Occidental), Areva (now Orano), BHP Billiton, Cairn India, Chevron, CNOOC, ConocoPhillips, De Beers, Engie (now Neptune), Equinor, Murphy Oil Corporation, NERC, Nexen (now CNOOC), Occidental, Saudi Aramco, Shell, Tullow Oil, Woodside, YPF. We also have a partnership with Petrotechnical Data Systems (PDS) who develop Ava Clastics.
Key points
- Internationally recognized research leader in the study and analysis of fluvial, aeolian & shallow-marine sedimentary systems and their preserved successions.
- An industry facing research group integrating multi-disciplinary expertise in applied fluvial, aeolian and shallow-marine sedimentary research.
- Principal aim: to conduct cutting-edge research into the application of fluvial, aeolian and shallow-marine sedimentology for developing a better understanding of issues relating to subsurface resource exploration, appraisal, development and production.
- Specific objectives: develop a state-of-the-art knowledge transfer programme to distil current thinking and trends in applied sedimentology research; to present summary results and models in a format suitable for direct use by industrial sponsors.
- Brings together multi-disciplinary expertise in all aspects of applied fluvial, eolian & shallow-marine sedimentary research from a global network of associates and collaborators.
- Innovative techniques in knowledge transfer are central to the philosophy of the group. A key objective of the group is to distill current thinking and trends in applied fluvial, eolian & shallow-marine research and present them in a digestible form for use by industrial sponsors.
- Leeds has long been at the forefront of sedimentological research and has a proven track record in studies of both modern and ancient fluvial, eolian & shallow-marine systems, as well as in using flume and numerical modelling approaches.
- Full results of all past and ongoing research projects (including all primary data sets and summary updates) are available for download by group sponsors.
- Invited Associate Members provide additional expertise.
FRG-ERG-SMRG runs in parallel with, and is organised in a similar manner to its sister group, the industry-facing Turbidites Research Group (TRG).
The industry-funded component of FRG-ERG-SMRG's work is organised in 3-year phases: Phase 1: Jan 2009-Dec 2011 Phase 2: Jan 2012-Dec 2014 Phase 3: Jan 2015-Dec 2017 Phase 4: Jan 2018-Dec 2020 Phase 5: Jan 2021-Dec 2023 Phase 6: Jan 2024-Dec 2026 New sponsors may join at any time. Membership provides access to the full back-catalogue of research and knowledge-transfer outputs. Discounts are available to returning sponsors.
For further information on FRG-ERG-SMRG contact: Prof. Nigel Mountney at n.p.mountney@leeds.ac.uk or +44 (0)113 343 5249 Dr. Luca Colombera at luca.colombera@unipv.it