Shiers, M.N., Mountney, N.P., Hodgson, D.M. and Colombera, L., 2018. Controls on the depositional architecture of fluvial point-bar elements in a coastal plain succession. In: Ghinassi, M., Colombera, L., Mountney, N.P. and Reesink, A.J. (Eds.), Fluvial
Shiers, M.N.,
Mountney, N.P., Hodgson, D.M. and Colombera, L., 2018. Controls on the
depositional architecture of fluvial point-bar elements in a coastal plain
succession. In: Ghinassi, M., Colombera, L., Mountney, N.P. and Reesink, A.J.
(Eds.), Fluvial Meanders and their Sedimentary Products in the Rock Record.
International Association of Sedimentologists Special Publication, 48, 15-46 (Doc
ID: 1335).