Duller, R.A., Warner, N.H., McGonigle, C., De Angelis, S., Russell, A.J. and Mountney, N.P., 2014. Landscape reaction, response and recovery following the catastrophic 1918 Katla jökulhlaup, southern Iceland. Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 4214-4221.
Duller, R.A., Warner, N.H., McGonigle, C., De Angelis, S.,
Russell, A.J. and Mountney, N.P., 2014. Landscape reaction, response and
recovery following the catastrophic 1918 Katla jökulhlaup, southern Iceland.
Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 4214-4221, doi: 10.1002/2014GL060090 (Doc ID 808).