The FRG-ERG image on the front cover of the June 2014 issue of the journal ‘Sedimentology’ (Volume 61, Number 4) depicts a ‘sheet-braided’ style of fluvial architecture from the Cambrian Guarda Velha Formation of the Camaquã Basin, Brazil. See Doc ID 759
The image on
the front cover of the June 2014 issue of the journal ‘Sedimentology’ (Volume
61, Number 4) depicts a ‘sheet-braided’ style of fluvial architecture from the
Cambrian Guarda Velha Formation of the Camaquã Basin, Brazil. For further
details see the following paper: Santos, M.G.M., Almeida, R.P.,
Marconato, A., Godinho, L.P.S. and Mountney, N.P., 2014. Distinct styles of fluvial
deposition in a Cambrian rift basin. Sedimentology, 61, 881-914. doi:
10.1111/sed.12074 (Doc ID 759)